Reflexions sur les lettres de Mr. Pope, [early 18th century].


Reflexions sur les lettres de Mr. Pope, [early 18th century].

Manuscript, in a single hand, of a commentary on Pope's "Essay on Man." The work, in addressing philosophical questions raised by Pope's essay, commends Pope's poetic skill but condemns his grasp of philosophy: "il n'est pas douteux qu'il ne soit aussi mauvais Philosophe, qu'excellent Poete et ingenieux Ecrivain." The manuscript is divided into sections with titles such as "Principes sur l'accord de la Raison et de la Foi," Caractere d'une Revelation divine," and "Denouement de la Morale d'Epicure." Prefaced by an introduction in which the writer explains his reason for reading Pope's work: "C'etoit le Livre a la mode: c'etoit la nouvelle du jour."

1 v. (750 p.) ; 29 x 24 cm.

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